GATE question of the day

Tips and Advice from GATE Toppers

Tips and Advice from GATE Topper Hastagiri Prakash
For all GATE aspirants, learning the basics is the key to a good score but with high probability, there would be a few questions which we cannot solve completely with the preparation we have already had. for questions like this, do not panic or leave the question unanswered by default. I would recommend the following strategy:
1. read and understand the question completely. understand what is given and what is asked for.
2. try to make some headway with this information. for instance you don’t remember or know a formula but know that the answer is directly proportional to something or inversely proportional to something else. try to formalize this partial knowledge in a helpful way
2. look at the answer choices and eliminate ones that are obviously wrong
3. look for patterns in the choices. sometimes, the choice that sticks out the most is probably a wrong choice. sometimes, all the choices contain the same variables but in different positions (numerator, denominator, exponent, log etc)
4. using any of the heuristic, if you have narrowed down the choices, then guess.
i repeat, this is to be used as a last resort and not as an excuse for not preparing but you will be surprised at how many questions you can answer if you follow this. This way of answering is dangerous and is an art. this art can be honed only attempting many practice questions of multiple choice types and not by just reading the theory.
Tips and Advice from GATE Topper Somdas Bandyopadhyay
Getting good score in gate doesn’t depend on which book u follow. Study the books that u have been studying since 2nd year. I didn’t even have books on mathematics, software engineering and web tech. Study the books that u are most comfortable in .
For securing good rank in gate u must have constant practice on the problems and always stay in touch with gate study. For that purpose u can join any coaching inst(like gateforum). There u will be in constant practice. I studied in gatefoum. Also u must solve previous year gate questions and MUST take some all India test series (normally starting from October)..
I don’t visit this community(and orkut) often. Use the links that i gave in my websites. I have specific filters set up for that purpose( Don’t email me directly). so u guys will get replies quickly.
I can tell u the books i followed :-
1) Maths :- No books.. gateforum notes enough
2) TOC :- No books.. gateforum notes enough
3) OS- Galvin
4) CO- Hamacher (Very good book)
5) Digital logic : – No books.. gateforum notes enough
6) Networking :- william stallings and foruzan( Stallings- numericals , foruzan- theory)
7)DBMS :- Korth
8) Data structure :- Tanenbum
9) Algorithm :- Cormen
10) Web tech :- Internet
11) S/w Engg – Gateforum book and pressman
12)Compilers :- No books.. gateforum notes enough (Recommended book is Aho ullman)
But follow the books that u are most comfortable in.
Tips and Advice from GATE Topper Sandeep
1) which books should be followed for GATE preparation?
GATE questions are concept oriented so regardless of which books u follow you should get through knowledge of subject. My suggestion is that u better follow your text books like ullmaan for computer theory, Galvino or stallings for operating systems, navathe or rrk for dbms and forouzan for networks etc. It’s always preferable to read atleast 2 books on each
2)Do GATE questions asked from previous question paper or any books or they are constructed newly every year.
They will be constructed newly every year. There is some possibility that some questions will come with some changes from old.
3)Which objective or reference books are worth to follow, even have fewer errors?
you can go through timothy j. williams, G.K. publishers(its full of errors)
4)Which topic should we should give preference?
Automata,Graph theory,mathematics,Data structures,Operating systems
5)How to apply for IISC Bangalore?
IISc calls for admission in February 1 week and the last date will be around mar15 (mostly 3 or 4 days after mar 15)
6)How much percentile do I need to score?
For getting into IISc your percentile should be 99.8-99.99
7)How much question one needs to score to get into iisc?
you must attempt at least 100+marks if the paper is hard and at least 140 if easy.
8)Do you have any information how much a person should score to get into one of these prestigious colleges like iisc, iits, etc.
For IIT’s direct admission you must get 50-200 rank(General category) depending on IIT. you will get IIT even upto 98% provided you performs well in written test or interview
9)Do you have any information regarding getting admission into MTech without gate percentile? Or they hold different exam for their admission.
Its not possible for IITs and IIScs except through sponsorship or QIP.
10) Do you have any idea about this year GATE paper look like?
that’s we can’t tell
11) If you think this topics are prepared from this book only or one should refer this books to get hold of this topic please suggest me
nothing is like that

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